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Vladimir Putin paid great attention to the ecology of the country in his Message

Vladimir Putin paid great attention to the ecology of the country in his Message

Modern safe infrastructure will also appear near water bodies, including on Lake Baikal. A year-round resort will open here until 2030, while I consider it important to strictly adhere to the principle of "zero pollution", that is, the complete absence of waste and untreated wastewater into the lake.

Published: 29 February 2024
Save the cedar forests and Lake Baikal: the national park "Chikoy" is 10 years old

Save the cedar forests and Lake Baikal: the national park "Chikoy" is 10 years old

The Chikoy National Park was established in 2014 in the south-west of the Trans-Baikal Territory in the upper reaches of the Chikoy River, belonging to the Lake Baikal basin.

Published: 28 February 2024
The opening of the Days of Protected Areas took place in Prirodograd

The opening of the Days of Protected Areas took place in Prirodograd

Come up with a name for a baby cub, send a postcard from the most remote part of the country and learn how to "read" photos and videos from camera traps for animals. All this can be done by visitors of the pavilion of the Ministry of Natural Resources "Prirodograd" at the international exhibition-forum "Russia" from January 11 to 28.

Published: 11 January 2024
From local to global: in 2023, lake and river clearing events of various scales took place in all regions of the country

From local to global: in 2023, lake and river clearing events of various scales took place in all regions of the country

In Russia, three "aquatic" federal projects are being implemented under the national Ecology project - "Preservation of unique objects", "Improvement of the Volga River" and "Preservation of Lake Baikal". All of them are designed until 2024, but residents of the regions can already feel the positive results of their work.

Published: 23 December 2023
UNESCO monitoring mission visited Lake Baikal

UNESCO monitoring mission visited Lake Baikal

Waste disposal and restoration of the BCBC industrial site, reconstruction of the BAM and Transsib - the UNESCO monitoring mission visited Lake Baikal. For five days, experts studied issues related to the preservation of the lake. In particular, the experts reviewed the activities of special economic zones located on the shores of Lake Baikal and discussed the issue of regulating the lake level and the impact of such fluctuations on flora and fauna.

Published: 18 December 2023