In the new academic year, ecological and educational events designed for different audiences have been launched in nature reserves and national parks. In the year of the teacher and mentor, employees of specially protected natural areas present educational novelties for schoolchildren, students, teachers and even entrepreneurs.
The Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia, Alexander Kozlov, presented to the deputies of the State Duma Committee on Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection a draft three-year budget for the environmental sphere of the country, and also told about the next plans. In particular, the extension of the national project "Ecology" until 2030.
Solzan is a mountain river with a length of 34.5 kilometers, it begins in the northern part of the Khamar–Daban ridge and flows into Lake Baikal in the Baikal region with a population of 12.5 thousand people. The largest volume of wood debris, pebbles and boulders that obstruct the flow traditionally accumulates in the estuary.
Deputy Minister of Natural Resources Sergey Anoprienko and Director of the Department of International Cooperation and Climate Change Ivan Kushch took part in the first meeting of the Commission on Cooperation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the State Hural of Mongolia in Ulaanbaatar.
According to Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Victoria Abramchenko, the World Heritage Committee, at the 45th session currently taking place in Riyadh under the chairmanship of Saudi Arabia, considered it premature to add the Russian natural object "Volcanoes of Kamchatka" to the List under threat. Consideration of the issue was held in a constructive manner.