Environmental monitoring of Lake Baikal

Hydro-chemical characteristic of Lake Baikal water
General hydro-chemical characteristic of Lake Baikal water
MPC (maximum permissible concentration):
pH value - 6,5-8,5 units pH;
water colour index - 20 degrees of water colour;
oxygen - not less than 4 mg/l
Mineral content of Lake Baikal water
MPC (maximum permissible concentration): mineral content - 1000 mg/l.
Dynamics of sulphate ions
MPC (maximum permissible concentration): sulphates - 100 mg/l.

The hydro-chemical observations along the longitudinal section of the water area of the lake were performed on all monitored levels (0.5, 25, 50, 100 metres and near-bottom water). General hydro-chemical characteristic of the lake water in 2022 is given on the chart and graphs above.

Observations in the study period were carried out from June to October. The values of the hydrogen index remained in the range of 7.7–7.9 pH units, and the dissolved oxygen content was in the range of 10.0 – 11.7 mg /l. In 2022, the minimum oxygen content in water during the study period was observed. The mineralization of lake water in the northern, middle and southern parts corresponded to the long-term average values and varied from 96.3 mg/l to 97.1 mg/l.

In 2022, compared with the previous year, the content of sulfate ions in the lake's water increased slightly.

In the Selenginsky shallow water area in 2022, relative to the background area of the lake, there were slight exceedances of maximum and average annual concentrations of suspended solids, minerals, sulfates and organic carbon. At the same time, the content of pollutants in the water was lower than the values of the previous year.

Source: Review of the status and pollution of environment in Russian Federation in 2022