State Duma deputies supported in the third final reading amendments to the law "On Environmental Protection", developed by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia. Thanks to them, the state information system of the state of the environment will be created.
The system is designed to promptly and maximally inform citizens and authorities about the state and pollution of the environment. The data will come from the information systems of Roshydromet, Rosvodresursov, Rosprirodnadzor, Rosleskhoz, Rosnedra and other sources.
"The bill is very important. In a year and a half, at most, everyone on a tablet or on a cell phone can see the state of the environment in their region, municipality, on their street, their facility. And thus the safety of living or environmental safety will be transparent and understandable to everyone," said Alexander Kogan, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the State Duma of Russia.
It is planned that a separate act of the Russian government will determine the procedure for access to information, its composition, as well as the order, timing, frequency of its placement in the system. The customer of the information system is the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, the operator of the information system is the PPK "Russian Environmental Operator". The system will be created on the unified digital platform of the Russian Federation "Gostech".
"Environmental information should be open and accessible. A single digital system will provide data collection from a variety of sources for 15 existing and one planned subsystem of environmental monitoring. For example, about the state of atmospheric air, water bodies, subsoil, Lake Baikal, about waste disposal sites. It will improve the quality of data, promptly receive and respond to information about pollution, identify and fix violations," commented Alexander Kozlov, Head of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.
Source: Press Service of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia