Environmental monitoring of Lake Baikal

Monitoring of hunting resources and their habitats

Irkutsk region

Characteristics of habitat conditions

Meteorological conditions in most areas of the BNT in 2020 were characterized by anomalous deviations. In January the weather was warm and windy, there were thaws. In February, warm air came from the territory of Kazakhstan and southwestern Siberia, the air temperature rose to +7 °C. Over the past 30 years, this phenomenon has been noted for the first time.

In 2020, spring came ahead of schedule for the third time in 100 years. The last time this happened was in 1997 and 2014. It started at the end of March, which was 2–3 weeks earlier than usual, the temperature was 5–7 °C above the norm. The last decade of April turned out to be the warmest, when the air warmed up from +22 °C to +32 °C. May was contrasting in temperature and abundant in precipitation. For a month they fell one and a half times more than the norm. Due to this, in the spring period (April-May), ground fires were episodic. The yield of berry shrubs (blueberries, blueberries and lingonberries) in the central and southern regions of the region was assessed as "good", in the northern regions - "average". In most areas, a good harvest of lingonberries and mountain ash was noted. The yield of seeds of Siberian pine and Siberian dwarf pine in the Eastern Sayan and in the central regions of the region was assessed as "satisfactory". The abundance of seeds of other conifers in the regions was estimated from "average" to "satisfactory" indicator. The spring migration of most species of waterfowl was friendly and passed in a fairly short time.

Summer 2020 was warm and long. It was dry in the first half and rainy in the second half. Summer, like spring, started early. In the western and southern regions of the region - 25-30 days earlier than the norm, in the northern and upper Lena regions - 6-12 days earlier than the climatic periods. Precipitation fell unevenly. However, warm and damp weather in August contributed to a fairly high yield of agaric and tube fungi.

The food supply of most species of wild ungulates and hares (hare, hare) during the snowless period was high. This was ensured by significant reserves of twigs (aspen, birch, willow) and herbaceous fodder (cereals, legumes), concentrated on vast areas of overgrown burnt areas and clearings. The rutting period for elk, red deer and roe deer passed at the usual time (August–September).

The autumn-winter period of 2020 (November - December) in the region was with little snow and warm. In this regard, mass migrations of ungulates were not observed. The low snow cover had a positive effect on the success of fur-bearing animals in a number of areas.

Condition of hunting resources

The change in take of main types of game animals within the boundaries of BNT (in Irkutsk region)
The change in population of main species of game animals within the boundaries of BNT (in Irkutsk region)
Population of main species of game animals within the boundaries of BNT (in Irkutsk region) in 2004-2020


Manchurian wapiti. One of the most widespread species of ungulates in the BNT. There has been a slight upward trend in the abundance of this species. In 2020, it was 27,483 individuals, which is 1,097 individuals higher than the 2019 estimate of 26,386 individuals. 625 permits were issued for the hunting of this species in the hunting season of 2020 on the territory of the hunting grounds of the BNT; production amounted to 525 individuals.

Wild boar. In recent years, a steady increase in the number of wild boar has been observed on the territory of the BNT. In 2020, it amounted to 4,082 individuals, which is higher than in 2019 (3,701 individuals). 315 permits were issued for the hunting of this species in the hunting season of 2020 on the territory of the hunting grounds of the BNT; production amounted to 235 individuals.

Musk deer. The representative of this species is one of the main resources of commercial hunting. In 2020, an increase in the number of musk deer to 32,382 individuals was noted compared to 2019 (30,412 individuals). 854 permits were issued for the hunting of this species in the hunting season of 2020 on the territory of the hunting grounds of the BNT; production amounted to 826 individuals.

Roe deer. In 2020, the number of this species was 55,072 individuals; compared to 2019, 49,670 individuals, the number increased by 5,402 individuals. 2436 permits were issued for the hunting of this species in the hunting season of 2020 on the territory of the hunting grounds of the BNT; production amounted to 2,015 individuals.

Elk. An analysis of the information processed in 2020 showed that within the BNT, the number of elk increased slightly, but increased and amounted to 12,906 individuals. In 2019, it was 12,020 individuals. 226 permits were issued for the hunting of this species in the hunting season of 2020 on the territory of the hunting grounds of the BNT; production amounted to 183 individuals.

Wild reindeer. The main habitats of the Tuturo-Khandinsky (Baikal) population of wild reindeer within the BNT are located on the territory of the Kachugsky and Kazachinsky-Lena districts; appears in limited numbers during autumn-winter migrations on the territory of the Osinsky district. The number of this group in 2020 is estimated at 2,301 individuals, which is 352 individuals more than in 2019. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the reindeer is a gregarious animal, and its distribution is uneven, therefore, the calculation of the number of this species according to the PMU method probably gives a significant error. 113 permits were issued for the hunting of wild reindeer in the hunting season of 2020 on the territory of the hunting grounds of the BNT; production amounted to 73 individuals.

Fur-bearing species

Squirrel. The post-harvest abundance of this species in 2020 was estimated at 77,881 individuals, which is significantly lower than in 2019 (84,816 individuals). 7,256 permits were issued for the hunting of this species in the hunting season of 2020 on the territory of the hunting grounds of the BNT; the catch was 5,162 individuals.

Sable. The habitats of this animal are confined to the lands of the mountain-taiga type; it is also found in other biotopes. The largest part of the livestock is concentrated in Kazachinsko-Lensky, Kachugsky, as well as Cheremkhovsky, Olkhonsky, Shelekhovsky and Slyudyansky districts. In 2020, compared to 2019 (26,320 individuals), a decrease in the number of this species (23,535 individuals) was noted. 5,689 permits were issued for the hunting of this species in the hunting season of 2020 on the territory of the hunting grounds of the BNT; production amounted to 4,263 individuals.

White hare. Mass hunting resource for amateur and commercial hunting. The number of white hare in 2020 was determined at 30,564 individuals, which is lower than the level of 2019 (33,744 individuals). 1,725 permits were issued for the hunting of this species in the hunting season of 2020 on the territory of the hunting grounds of the BNT; production amounted to 1,325 individuals.

Brown hare. The distribution of the species is limited mainly to field and forest-steppe lands in the western part of the BNT. The post-harvest population in 2020 was 2,877 individuals, in 2019 the number of this species was 3,107 individuals.

Siberian weasel. In 2020, the number of this species was 1,170 individuals, which is lower than in 2019 (1,196 individuals). 78 permits were issued for the extraction of kolok in the hunting season of 2020 on the territory of the hunting grounds of the BNT; production amounted to 25 individuals.

Ermine. In most of the BNT, the potential of the ermine as a hunting resource is not fully utilized. Reports provided by hunting users contain incomplete information about its production. In 2020, the post-harvest population is estimated at 2,501 individuals, which is 242 individuals less than in 2019 (2,743 individuals).

Squirrel.In 2020, the number of foxes is estimated at 3,790 individuals, which is 48% less than in 2019 - 4,128 individuals. The fox is one of the main carriers of rabies. Reducing its numbers is a necessary preventive measure in the fight against this disease. In addition, the high abundance of this predator negatively affects the state of grouse bird populations. 426 permits were issued for the hunting of foxes in the hunting season of 2020 on the territory of the hunting grounds of the BNT; production amounted to 275 individuals.

American mink, otter. The estimate of the mink population is based on the results of a survey of hunters. According to them, there were 6,750 minks within the BNT in 2020. In 2019, the number was estimated at approximately 6,419 individuals. Mink within the BNT is mined in small volumes.

Muskrat. Just like the American mink, the t is an acclimatized species. The number of muskrat varies greatly from year to year, however, it remains a mass species. Within the BNT in 2020, according to surveys of hunters, there were 23,103 muskrats, which is 41% less than in 2019 - 32,862 individuals.

Badger. The main habitats of the badger are the southern and forest-steppe regions of the BNT. In 2020, the number was 4,216 individuals, which is 32% more than in 2019 - 2,266 individuals.


Крупные хищные звери

Lynx. In 2020, the lynx population was estimated at 740 individuals, which is 27% more than in 2019 (695 individuals). 12 permits were issued for the hunting of this species in the hunting season of 2020 on the territory of the hunting grounds of the BNT; production amounted to 7 individuals.

Wolverine. The number of this species of predator is still small. In 2020, it amounted to 75 individuals, which is 4% lower than in 2019 - 91 individuals.

Bear. During the ZMU period, this wild animal is in a state of winter sleep, therefore, the main information about the state of abundance is obtained from hunters and by mapping the individual areas of bears. In 2020, the number of predators was 4,828 individuals, which is 29% more than in 2019 - 3,970 individuals. 305 permits were issued for the hunting of this animal in the hunting season of 2020 on the territory of the hunting grounds of the BNT; production amounted to 108 individuals.

Wolf. The number of wolves in 2020, according to a survey of hunters and the results of the ZMU, is estimated at 783 individuals. The highest abundance of this predator is still recorded in the Kazachinsko-Lensky district. In the reporting year, the number of wolves, according to ZMU, also increased in Usolsky and Osinsky districts. The high number of wolves is primarily due to a decrease in the number of hunted individuals due to the ban on the use of barium fluoroacetate to regulate its population, the high financial cost of hunting for it, and the absence of professional wolf hunters.

Upland fowl

Capercaillie. In 2020, the post-harvest population, according to WMU, was estimated at 76,259 individuals, which is 3% less than in 2019 (78,102 individuals). The limit for capercaillie hunting, as well as for other types of game birds, was not set, the fishing load on the population is regulated by daily and seasonal harvesting rates. 653 permits were issued for the hunting of the species in the hunting season of 2020 on the territory of the hunting grounds of the BNT; production amounted to 525 individuals.

Grouse. In 2020, the post-harvest abundance of this species is estimated at 344,284 individuals, which is 1% lower than in 2019 (346,960 individuals). It does not enter commercial procurement, since the sale of this hunting product is not established. It is the main hunting resource for amateur hunting. 1,625 permits were issued for the extraction of hazel grouse in the hunting season of 2020 within the hunting grounds of the BNT; 1,125 specimens were harvested.

Black grouse. In 2020, the post-harvest population of black grouse, according to ZMU, was 198,611 individuals, which is 1% higher than in 2019 (180,833 individuals). 581 permits were issued for the hunting of this species in the hunting season of 2020 within the boundaries of the hunting grounds of the BNT; production amounted to 325 individuals.

White partridge. It lives mainly in the goltsovy and subalpine zones of the Eastern Sayan and the Baikal Range. Due to the remoteness and inaccessibility of habitats, information on the abundance is not received in full. A special accounting assessment of the abundance of this species is not carried out. In 2020, as in 2019, no traces of the habitat of this species were noted by the accounting work on the BNT. 125 permits were issued for the hunting of partridge in the hunting season of 2020 in the hunting grounds in the BNT; production amounted to 89 individuals.

Bearded (Daurian) partridge. For a long time, hunting for Daurian partridge in the Irkutsk region was prohibited. Since 2010, due to the restoration of the population, the bearded partridge has been excluded from the list of specially protected objects of the animal world and is currently the main hunting resource for amateur hunting. The habitats of this species are confined to field hunting grounds. It lives mainly within the Kachugsky and Olkhonsky districts. It is also found in Cheremkhovsky, Usolsky and some other areas. In some habitats, significant concentrations of this wild bird are noted. The total number of bearded partridge in 2020 was 22,927 individuals, which is 8% less than in 2019 (36,913 individuals). 135 permits were issued for the hunting of this species in the hunting season of 2020 on the territory of the hunting grounds of the BNT; production amounted to 78 individuals.