

Coastal Listvyanka - one of the most popular holiday destinations on Lake Baikal. Here, just 70 km from Irkutsk, near the source of the Angara, most starts on a sightseeing tour of the lake.

Architectural and ethnographic museum "Taltzy"

The Museum of wooden architecture in the open "Taltzy" collection of historical, architectural and ethnographic monuments XVII-XX centuries, creating a fascinating panorama of everyday life of the peoples of the Baikal region.

Big Goloustnoye. Ushkanov Pad. Dry Lake.

Big Goloustnoye village on the western shore of Lake Baikal in the XVII century, served as a reference point only breech (ie state) crossing the vast expanse of water, to the village on the east coast Ambassadorial.

Sandy cove

Sandy Bay - one of the most beautiful objects Baikal National Park. White sandy beach surrounded by wild cliffs and next to ancient cedar and larch trees grow famous stilted. On interwoven roots, as on stilts, they rise from the ground to a height of more human growth.
Here you can not get on the ground - only by water or air, but that does not mean that people in Sandy denied the benefits of civilization.

Sarminskoe gorge

Sarminskoe gorge holds many ancient monuments. There are remnants of a stone wall built to protect the sacred shamans estuary from the idle onlookers. There are ancient pyramid in which spirits live local mountains, and who still has a lot going bring "gifts" small stones.

Tazheranskaya Steppe

Tanzheranskaya steppe - a living organism that continues to present man surprises : in the 1970s, was born here suddenly lake, which initially covered approximately 100 m of the road, and then grew to 250 m, and the road had to run again , bypassing . Travel Tanzheranu can be combined with a trip to the bay of Aya , but the steppe and deserves a separate , longer travel to visit caves and cliffs, acquaintance with the life of pastoralists , as well as - if podgadat with the dates of the trip - with participation in Erdynskih games, which are usually held here in early June. "Olympic Games" of Central Asian nations and multi-day dance of hundreds of people around the valley hills Anga make a lasting impression on all those fortunate enough to be their guests.


Currently Tunkinskaya length, where Arshan annually visited by more than 100,000 tourists.

Arshan. Continued.

Currently Tunkinskaya length, where Arshan annually visited by more than 100,000 tourists.

Olkhon Island. part 1

Locals say that on Olkhon is the tomb of Genghis Khan. Whether this is true or not is hard to say: at least, the scientific evidence does not exist. Nevertheless, Olkhon - perhaps the main attraction of Lake Baikal.

Olkhon Island. part 2

Looking at the beauty of Olkhon, you begin to understand the locals, who for centuries have worshiped the spirits of nature and worshiped not only a great lake, but small rivers, rocks and trees.

Olkhon Island. part 3

Rumor has it that in the distant future will be fully Olkhon steppe, but so far the nature of the island gives you the opportunity to enjoy a variety of landscapes: and the hills, and the steppe and forest.

Olkhon Island. part 4

Name of the island comes from the Buryat "oh-hon" - "little forest" or "a little wooded." Currently, about 45% of the area takes Olkhon forest that gradually under the influence of wind, retreats before steppes, which scientists project that will eventually become overwhelming type of island landscape.

Olkhon Island. part 5

Olkhon for centuries was the sacred land, the cradle and center of shamanism. Locals believe that at Cape Burhan (aka - Shaman Mountain) is the earthly residence of the great spirit of Khan Hoto Babai (the other two residences located in the heavens and in the underworld).

Olkhon Island. part 6

Considered sacred and the highest mountain of the island - Izhimei whose peak is located at a height of just less than 1300 m According to local legend, somewhere at the foot of the immortal Izhimeya chained bear.

Olkhon Island. part 7

С 1990 года около поселка Хужир ежегодно проходит «общеольхонский тайлаган» - совместное молитвенное действо всех шаманов Ольхона, Ольхонского района и г.Улан-Удэ.

Olkhon Island. part 8

Near Cape Horin-Memory Games ("Head of horse") locals found the mouth of an ancient extinct volcano. Melted rocks here are quite often - the last major find, weighing 15 kg, refers to 2013.

Olkhon Island. part 9

Resorting to poetic images, we can say that Baikal - that blue heart of Siberia and Olkhon - the heart of Lake Baikal. The island is a geographical, historical and sacred center of the lake - the center of ancient legends and historical tales. It involves a poetic legend about the origin of the Buryat people, according to which the hunter here Horidoy married celestial maiden, swans, and they were born eleven sons, then became the ancestors of the eleven Horinsk childbirth.

Olkhon Island. part 10

The island is rich in archaeological sites, by their number per 1 km2 it has no equal in the whole Baikal: 143 known archaeological sites (1993). This burial grounds, ancient towns, remnants of stone walls. Among the most notable relates preserved ancient Kurykanskaya protective wall length, blocking the isthmus of Cape Khorgoy.

Olkhon Island. part 11

Olkhon Island, considered sacred center of northern shaman world ran Mongolian shamans during their persecution by lamas in the era of Genghis Khan. Because of its isolation Olkhon Island was the last stronghold of the shamans of North Asia. At the end of the 1990s. shamans of Buryatia officially recognized Olkhon Island "the main sanctuary, the cult center pan-Mongol and Central Asian values​​, embodies sacred ancestral home of the Buryats. '

Olkhon Island. part 12

Olkhon Island, protected from intruders ice cold waters of Lake Baikal, longer than any other places kept the traditional world Buryat Buryat and many customs of antiquity. Here, according to legend, was the first shaman gift Buryat shaman.

Olkhon Island. part 13

Olkhon Island, protected from intruders ice cold waters of Lake Baikal, longer than any other places kept the traditional world Buryat Buryat and many customs of antiquity. Here, according to legend, was the first shaman gift Buryat shaman.

Olkhon Island. part 14

The island is famous Shaman-stone, a place inhabited by the ancient shamans. Baikal - the champion of Biodiversity

Olkhon. Khuzhir neighborhood. part 15

Olkhon - the largest island of Lake Baikal, its length is about 70 km, and the area - 730 square kilometers Covered hills, intricately dissected along the shore, abounding stunning scenery and provides shelter to travelers on a small cozy beaches, Olkhon truly delectable by the fact that the marvelous Baikal nature has remained virtually untouched here.

Circum-Baikal Railway

Circum-Baikal Railway (or CBRY) - a unique structure in which creation from 1896 to 1900 attended by the best architects and engineers from Russia, Italy, Poland, Latvia and even Albania.
Beautiful road laid along the southwestern shore of Lake Baikal, nowadays includes 4 stations, one patrol, 16 galleries and 38 tunnels, the longest of which stretches 777.5 meters.