
Standards of Admissible Impact on the Baikal Lake Ecosystem

The meeting of the Science and Engineering Board of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation took place to set the standards of impact on Baikal Lake ecosystem.

During the meeting the data obtained in the course of research and development activities to study the negative impact of wastes and discharge of harmful substances (contaminants) on the Baikal Natural Area (BNA) in 2018 and to develop the scientifically grounded recommendations to manage the same, prepared by the Baikal Institute of the Nature Management of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science were considered.

The meeting was attended by the government officials of the Russian Federation subjects located in BNA, representatives of the academic community as well as leading Russian companies in the field of industrial water conditioning and sewage treatment.

“The purpose of the discussion was, on the one hand, to prevent deterioration of environmental situation in Baikal Lake, and, on the other hand, to provide for and give the designers the opportunity to build the treatment facilities contemplated by the “Ecology” national project” - noted Aleksey Titovsky, the Director of the Department for the National Policy and Regulation in the Field of Development of the Special Protected Natural Areas and Baikal Natural Area of the Ministry for the Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.

According to A. Titovsky, in the near future one will develop the concept of the further actions in this area, establish the approaches to setting the standards of admissible impact on BNA and develop the specific offers regarding the amendments.

Source: Press service of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment of the Russian Federation

Опубликовано: 21 March 2019