Environmental monitoring of Lake Baikal

Monitoring of hunting resources and their habitats

Republic of Buryatia

Characteristics of habitat conditions

For most of January 2016, moderate frosty weather predominated, on some days of the first, middle and end of the second, frosts increased for most of the third decades. Average daily temperatures were below the norm by 7-15 ° C. The strongest frosts were recorded in the Bauntov District to -50, -52 ° C. In Ust-Dzhilinda on January 22, the absolute maximum is cut -51.7 ° C. The amount of precipitation in most areas is smaller and about an average of many years. More than average fell on the middle and southern coast of Lake Baikal.

In February, warm weather prevailed, the maximum temperatures in the south-west and south of the Baikal region were positive +1, +4 ° C. The average monthly air temperature is about 1 to 3 ° C above the mean multiyear values, in places by 4-5°C.

In March, the warm weather prevailed, in certain periods anomalously warm weather. In the second half of the month there was active snow melting. In the southern area, an increase in temperature was observed up to +13, +18 ° C, with the coldest nights at the end of the first decade reaching -22, -28 ° C, and in the south-western regions reaching -30, -37 ° C.

In April-May, unstable, windy, moderately warm weather prevailed. The average monthly air temperature in most areas is about the average multi-year values. In the first two decades of April, precipitation fell as snow, in the third decade - in the form of rain and wet snow. Precipitation was observed on most days of the month. Opening of the rivers of the Selenga river basin was observed in the period before the mean annual values for 8-19 days. The amount of precipitation in May in most areas is less than the average multi-year number, in places less than half the climatic norm.

In June-July, hot weather prevailed in most regions, with maximum temperatures of +25, +30 °C. In the first ten days of July, the peak of heat reached +41 °C in Ulan-Ude, in the east of the republic, to +39 °C. The average monthly air temperature is everywhere higher than the climatic norm by 1 °C.

In August, the weather was warm, unstable, with frequent rains. Daytime temperatures are +20, +26 °С, night - +10, +15 °С, in the third decade - decrease to +4, +9 ° С.

In September, the weather prevailed moderately warm, with frequent rains. The average daily air temperature is generally higher than the climatic norm at 2 °C. Night temperatures were positive.

October was cold, average temperatures in the first and second decades below the climatic norm by 1 °C. Negative daytime temperatures were established in most areas in the second half of October. The lowest temperatures were observed in the Bountov district, -5 °C, -0 °C below zero. Precipitation in most areas fell below normal. The snow cover was established at the end of the second, beginning of the third decade.

In the first half and at the end of November, the weather was unstable, with snow. Mean-decay temperatures in the first and second decades were observed below the climatic norm by 1 °C. Due to the "thermal" Baikal cyclone along the middle coast of Baikal on November 17-19, abundant snowfalls were observed. The average monthly air temperature is everywhere below the climatic norm by 2 °C, the strongest frosts to -3, -8 °C were observed in the northern regions.

Most of December was dominated by moderate frosty weather, in some places it was snowing a little. The prevailing night temperatures are -5, -1 °C.

The situation of the availability of food for all types of hunting animals can be characterized as a whole as a prosperous one.

The yield of berry bushes (blueberries, cranberries) and mountain ash on the territory of the areas included in the BPT was estimated as "medium" and "below average" level. Only in some areas there was a "good" harvest of berries. The yield of cedar seeds in the central areas of the BPT was assessed as "high". The presence of animal feed (mouse, feathered) was estimated as "average".

The existing natural and climatic habitat conditions in 2016 did not cause mass migrations of squirrels, sables, ungulates and bears. The bears laid down in a timely manner in the den, no attacks were recorded in the autumn-winter period of 2016.

Condition of hunting resources

The change in population of main species of game animals within the boundaries of BNT (in the Republic of Buryatia)
The change in take of main types of game animals within the boundaries of BNT (in the Republic of Buryatia)

Population of main species of game animals within the boundaries of BNT (in Republic of Buryatia) in 2015-2016


The red deer (manchurian wapiti). The number of this species in the BPT according to the ZMU in 2016 is estimated at 17 417 individuals, which is lower than in 2015 (17,924 individuals). Fluctuations in abundance are associated with peculiarities of migrations and distribution of populations of wild ungulates during the ZMU. Licenses are issued in the open season 2015-2016. - 517, hunted - 509 individuals of the wapiti.

Boar. The number of this species in 2016 decreased and amounted to 6387 individuals (in 2015 - 6968 individuals). Limit of hunting in the republic during the open season 2015-2016 was 1857 individuals, a total of 1361 individuals were hunted.

Musk deer. According to the ZMU, in 2016 there are 23 056 individuals on the territory of the BPT, which is less than the level of 2015 (25 532 individuals). Limit of hunting in the republic during the open season of 2015-2016 was 980 individuals, 979 of them were hunted.

Roe deer. According to the ZMU, in 2016 the number of this species in the BPT increased slightly - up to 33,092 individuals. Limit of hunting during the open season 2015-2016 was 1,705 individuals, 1,597 individuals were hunted.

Elk. According to ZMU, in 2016 the number of elk on the BPT is estimated at 5025 individuals, which is higher than the level of 2015 (4099 individuals). The increase is primarily due to the low trapping of this species in recent years, the decline of the predator press. In the open season of 2015-2016 the limit of hunting was 95 individuals, 92 were hunted.

Wild reindeer. The number of this species is relatively stable due to local habitats. According to the accounting data of 2016, the number of wild reindeer is 2496 individuals, which is an average indicator in the dynamics of 5 years. Hunting is carried out only in the territory of certain regions, where the number of populations allows hunting. Limit of hunting in the season of 2015-2016 was 272 individuals, hunted - 265.

Fur species

Squirrel. In the Republic of Buryatia, the Transbaikalian squirrel inhabits within the BPT, occupying mountain larch forests from Daurian larch, as well as cedar, pine and pine-tree forests. The population of the species was 165 235 individuals. In the open season of 2015-2016, 1388 hunting permits were issued, 50819 squirrels were hunted.

Sable. In 2016, according to ZMU, the number of sables reached 31 885 individuals. In the open season of 2015-2016, 9586 sables were hunted.

Blue-hare. The dynamics of the blue-hare number is cyclical with ten-year periods of growth and decline. The main factors affecting the reproduction of this species are the climatic conditions in the spring-summer period. According to ZMU, in 2016 the number of hares was estimated at 55,411 individuals. Hare hunting in the 2015-2016 season was equal to 10,454 individuals, hunted by 2147 permits.

Siberian striped weasel. In 2016 the number of this species, according to state records, was 5430 individuals, hunting in the 2015-2016 season - 764 individuals under the implemented agreements on hunting in the amount of 236 pieces.

Ermine. Dwells in the mountain-taiga, forest-steppe and sub-walnut biotopes, on stony placers penetrates into the area of screes. Hunting for ermine is carried out along with other species, which does not contribute to the full development of land and species reserves. According to ZMU, in 2016, the number was 6583 individuals. Hunting in the open season of 2015-2016 was 302 individuals

Fox. According to ZMU, in 2016, the number of fox was 3115 individuals. In some areas of the republic, due to the presence of rabies focal in the regions bordering Mongolia, there has been a decrease in abundance, along with a significant increase in the number of species observed in the central regions of Buryatia. 629 individuals were hunted in the open season of 2015-2016.

Predatory animal

Lynx. The distribution of the lynx population is uneven, the most typical landscapes where the lynx currently stands - mountain, pine and larch forest-steppe. The area of the range is 15,000-18,000 thousand hectares. According to ZMU, in 2016 the lynx's number in the republic within the BPT is stable and is 1244 individuals. In 2016, a limit was set for the hunting of this species in the number of 49 individuals. 48 individuals were hunted in the open season of 2015-2016

Wolverine. Rare, widespread species in the mountain forest areas of the republic. Hunting has no value, it is hunted in passing while hunting for other species. In the dynamics of the last ten years the population is stable and varies from 200 to 600 individuals. The number, according to ZMU, in 2016 within the BPT is 236 individuals.

Bear. The spring registration of 2016 showed, that the number of bear is at a consistently high level. In the Republic of Buryatia, the number of bears at the BPT is estimated at 3862 individuals. In the open season of 2015-2016 the limit of hunting was 169 individuals, 117 species of predators were hunted.

Wolf. The number of this species, according to the estimation of hunting specialists and based on the accounting data, in 2016 amounted to 795 individuals. In 2016, within the borders of the BPT, 521 predators were hunted. At the same time, throughout the year there are constant migrations of wolves from neighboring regions and Mongolia. The average annual damage caused by a predator to agriculture is at least 30 million rubles. The damage caused by the wolf to the hunting economy is estimated three times higher.

Upland fowl

Wood grouse. In 2016, the post-hunting number of wood grouse, ordinary and black-billed, according to ZMU, for 2016 compared with the previous year increased and amounted to 57,490 individuals (in 2015 - 48,800 individuals). 654 individuals were hunted in the open season of 2015-2016.

Hazel grouse. In 2016, the post-hunting population of the species in comparison with 2015 was somewhat decreased and was estimated at 233,367 individuals. The state of the populations of upland fowl is significantly influenced by climatic conditions during the brood period, as well as by significant anthropogenic impact from the use of forests, fires and other activities. In the open season of 2015-2016, 7870 individuals were hunted.

Black grouse. In 2016, the post-hunting population of black grouse, according to ZMU, in 2016, on the territory of the republic decreased and amounted to 77,101 individuals, which is due to the inconsistency of the winter registration routes to the locations in the period of accounting for the main ZMU places of bird concentration. 1412 individuals were hunted in the open season of 2015-2016.

White partridge. Lives predominantly in the screes and sub-screes zones. Because of the remoteness and inaccessibility of habitats, information on the numbers does not come in full. The number of this species in 2016 was 109,213 individuals. Hunted at random encounters.

Daurian partridge. Habitats are confined to field lands. The total number of Daurian partridge in the BPT, according to data for 2016, was 125,808 individuals. In the open season of 2015-2016, 3463 partridges were hunted.